The Luthier's Handbook, 2nd edition features completely revised and updated text on the art of building acoustic stringed musical instruments. An essential guide for the instrument builder, and anyone interested in learning how acoustic stringed instruments work. The Luthier's Handbook, 2nd edition explores the secrets and science behind making great sounding instruments. Renowned author Roger Siminoff shares his more than 60 years of luthierie experience in this text that includes: a treatise on musical acoustics, selecting the right woods, how soundboards work, crafting the right braces and tone bars, how bridges work, applying finishes, the affects of finishes on tone, how truss rods work, the right strings for your instrument, a primer on tap tuning, and much more. A must-have text for everyone who builds acoustic stringed musical instruments, as well as for anyone who just wants to know how acoustic stringed instruments work.
• Introduction by heralded luthier Lynn Dudenbostel
Luthiers who buy this book also enjoy reading The Art of Tap Tuning.
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• More than 180 color photos and illustrations
• Includes introduction to Tap Tuning
• 104 text pages
• 11˝ x 8-1/2˝